Zvi Kalisher (1928-2014)
Featuring Zvi's Apples of Gold audio stories.
A Lasting Legacy

Zvi Kalisher
As a 10-year-old Jewish boy living in Poland in 1939, Zvi Kalisher found himself facing the evils of the Holocaust.
Miraculously, he survived and, in 1948, settled in Israel, the country he would call his new home. It was there Zvi was introduced to Jesus the Messiah, whom he loved and served wholeheartedly and spent the rest of his life introducing to others.
The life story of Zvi and how he faithfully witnessed for the Messiah is one that will endure for generations to come.
Above all, it is the story of God’s sovereign ability to raise up those who will leave an enduring legacy of His power and grace.
Free Video Resource
ZVI: The Return
In this 75 minute video, Zvi visits his childhood home in Warsaw, Poland, and reflects on his experiences more than half a century after the Holocaust. This highly acclaimed documentary chronicles Zvi’s return and reenacts his life during World War II and his immigration to Israel in 1948.
Apples of Gold
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
-Proverbs 25:11
After his conversion, Zvi Kalisher began documenting his daily spiritual conversations with his countrymen in Israel. For five decades, his telling of these encounters have enriched lives and encouraged countless thousands of believers the world over.
These stories eventually became known as Apples of Gold and have been published in our magazine, Israel My Glory, since 1959.
With the 2015 launch of our current radio program, The Friends of Israel Today, we introduced the audio versions of these stories voiced by long-time Moody Bible radio host, Mike Kellogg.
Below you'll find a selection of the best of these dramatic readings of Zvi Kalisher's life-changing stories.
Reader / Listener Favorites
...because the Lord has a plan for me—to proclaim His gospel—that He saved me? I am sure of this. And this is not the first time that the Lord has saved me. I have been in similar situations before, but, as you can see, I am safe and sound. Is it not a miracle?”
...with no end in sight. Many soldiers would lie awake at night, wondering when life would return back to normal, but Zvi slept just fine. They could shoot all of the guns they had, but he had peace because God was his protector. Other soldiers needed to hear this truth, and when one man was ready to listen, Zvi was ready to share.
...the man told him about his life. He had experienced tragic things but also made choices that had destroyed his life. Zvi shared with him about the Living God, the One who would judge for all their sins. Hear what happened next as this man heard the gospel. robes were walking down the street, headed to pray at the Western Wall. As Zvi engaged with them and listened to what they believed, he was able to share how he believed the Messiah had already come and was coming again. Listen and find out how the Holy Spirit moved in this conversation and how these students responded.
...the years Zvi tried to reach out to his family, but they refused communication. When he showed up at their house they even threatened to call the police. Zvi prayed earnestly for their reconciliation and salvation. Years later, God answered his prayers with a knock at the door.
...a beacon of hope to the Israeli community, sharing the good news of God’s plan for sustaining His people. His encounter with one man who felt that God was not present showed the man the true nature of God the Father. Zvi diligently broke down the lies that Jewish people were fed about Jesus as he shared the truth that God reveals about Himself in His Word.
...the Arabs, who disagreed with his view of the Bible but did not expect the kindness he showed them. While they had people killed for believing a different faith, Zvi showed love to his enemies as Jesus commanded. He told a story from his army days to show that true followers of Jesus practice love in speaking the truth about God’s free gift of salvation.
...residents. While there, Zvi saw the head doctor and realized he had served with him in the army years ago. In the past he was not open to talking about Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures. But as Zvi talked with him, he noticed something had changed. Listen to find out how God was working in this doctor’s life.
...him about why he did not belong to the yeshiva. The rabbi and the boys were in for a surprise when Zvi challenged their ways of thinking about their relationships with God. Hear how God gave Zvi the opportunity through the Old Testament Scriptures to tell the boys and their rabbi about the Messiah.
...were pulled from the trip. When they came home and told their father he knew the reason: it was because they were believers in Jesus. Zvi went to the school to talk to the leader. Hear Zvi’s conversation with the school leader and how he found something more important to him than any trip to Europe.
...very out-of-hand, speaking mean and hateful things about the Jewish people and their God. Zvi decided to leave, but they would not allow him. Zvi admonished the crowd in Arabic, and suddenly the crowd listened to what he had to say. Listen to what happened next!
...the correct way to God, not the way he says people come to God, through Jesus the Messiah. They asked him to come to synagogue with him to observe Yom Kippur. Because of their pure intent and their heart attitude, Zvi was able to have an open and honest discussion about why he believed what he did, and they were open to hearing the Truth that lies in Scripture.
...questioned him about his faith often. As one man bragged about all his possessions, Zvi changed his perspective. Zvi found happiness through trusting the Lord, Who had provided him with a happy home and family. This man had never known what he had been missing until then. Hear how Zvi taught the man about the true wealth that is found in the joy of the Lord.
...fine school, often tried to sound intelligent and boast about the great and famous names that they know of. However, Zvi explained that men such as Shakespeare, Tolstoi, and Einstein were simply gifted but not great. In all circumstances, Zvi told the students to call on God; the only One who could give them everything they needed in life and the only One who could save their eternal souls.
... in the fire. He asked why they were burning Holy Scriptures, and they proclaimed it was filled with lies. Brokenhearted, Zvi took one out of the fire and read to them from Hebrews 11 and other Scriptures. The people listened to the truth of God’s Word, and God changed a rabbi’s heart through Zvi’s bold faith.
...him he needed to find peace from the only One who could change his heart. The man had relationships to repair with his family, so Zvi helped the man get home to tell his wife the truth about his gambling. He then took time to share God’s promises for everlasting life with them.
...God in the Holy Land. But Zvi’s heart was full of compassion for the hostile women. He spoke with kindness to them as he shared the love of Christ. They threatened him with slander and violence, but Zvi had no fear. Listen to find out how he handled their attacks!
...them. The Bible caused great controversy between the couple. While the husband responded in anger toward Zvi, the wife’s heart was opened to hear the good news. Listen to find out what happened when tragedy struck the couple and Zvi was present to share hope through God’s Word.
...knowledge his fellow students possessed about Passover. He looked to Zvi, the only other Jew he could find at the moment, for help in distributing informational booklets so that they may know. Zvi, however, was more concerned that this young man and his fellow students come to know Jesus the Messiah.
...he heard the lyrics, he decided to speak with Zvi that evening at his home to see how his son learned a Christian song. Zvi feared the teacher would refuse to teach his son if he found out they were Christians. Listen to how God had already worked out the details for Zvi to share his faith in Christ with this man.
...Messiah. One day his kindergarten teacher asked him who Yeshua Hamashiach was. David’s answer caused quite a stir, and his teacher went directly to Zvi’s home to question him about his influence on David’s prayers. Always ready to share the gospel, Zvi told her the truth about the Messiah. It’s encouraging when God uses children to share the love of Jesus!
1980's gambling on the street. When he confronted them, they started heckling him. An elderly rabbi came up and asked Zvi to come with him. As Zvi and the rabbi talked, Zvi was able to share his beliefs. Like Nicodemus, the rabbi hungered for God’s Word. Listen how God used Zvi to speak the Truth of God in this rabbi’s life.
...serving in four previous wars, Zvi declined. While speaking with the military, Zvi reminded them that victory is in the hands of the Lord. He explained his devotion to the Lord and to his country, helping the Israeli officers to know what true believers of Christ were like.
...harassing the soldiers. Their boasts of their powerful army did not deter Zvi; in fact, they helped him begin a conversation about the true source of Israel’s survival and victory. Hear how Zvi was able to turn a potentially stressful situation into a divine appointment for both the Arabs and Israeli soldiers. Be encouraged!
...invited him to his home, though the rabbi called him an apostate. When the rabbi confronted him about believing in Jesus the Messiah, Zvi gently took verses from the Bible and showed him and others on the bus why he believed it to be true. What happened next surprised the rabbi and changed his attitude.
...teacher explained that because Zvi did not wear a covering on his head, he assumed he was an atheist. Zvi explained that choosing not to follow such a man-made law did not make a person an atheist. Their discussion allowed Zvi to share the good news of who the Messiah was. the army. Yet Zvi had three sons in the army and was perfectly at peace. Zvi’s joy allowed him to start a discussion with his friend about the trust and peace that God gave him. Using both the Old and New Testaments, Zvi shared the joy of the Lord with his friend.
...where they got their authority from: the Bible or books written by man. They accused him of trying to proselytize because he was a believer in Jesus. Because of the Jewish faith of their fathers, it was hard for them to believe in anything else. Hear how Zvi explained where his authority and hope came from.
...with complete hatred and persecution. It escalated to Zvi losing his job. Sometime later Zvi heard the man was sick and in need of blood. Zvi went to donate but told the person to let the man know that it was given by the Hebrew believer. What happened next was something only the Lord could orchestrate.
...and ridicule. One man stopped and looked at him in shock and said, “Are you still alive? People like you should be dead!” When Zvi replied by sharing his faith in Jesus, the man accused him of believing in a new religion. With a crowd around him, Zvi explained to them that believing in Jesus was not something new but something God talked about in the Hebrew Scriptures. this could be since he was not from their family. Zvi explained, “We all can be brothers if we have the same heavenly Father. We can be brothers if we receive the Lord Jesus Christ into our hearts by His Spirit.” His listeners were intrigued. Hear how Zvi was able to point the rabbi and the family to the truth of the Messiah from sharing Hebrew Scripture with them.
...heartache. When the man asked him how he had survived and thrived in life, Zvi invited him to his home where he was able to tell him about his relationship with Jesus the Messiah. Listen to find out what happened when the man considered the possibility of finding true freedom in Jesus rather than drinking.
... listen outside expecting the Kalishers’ Passover to be different than what they are used to. But to their surprise, it was the same! When Zvi tried to show them how the Messiah is our Passover Lamb, they asked him to only show them from the Old Testament. Zvi did just that and they were amazed, giving him a chance to share his faith in Jesus with them.
...neighbors. When he stepped down, a new resident took his place. He was a very curious man asking questions about all the residents and their personal lives. Soon it was found that this man was part of a strict ultra-Orthodox group and was reporting back his findings. One day he began asking Zvi where he went to synagogue. Zvi jumped on this opportunity to tell this man about his faith. Listen to find out his reaction.
...was filled with commentaries, Zvi called it “a package of misdeeds.” After helping the boys carry the package to the yeshiva, Zvi was met with opposition, as he had insulted the rabbis’ valued books. The rabbis questioned him and accused him of believing in another God. Listen to find out how Zvi handled his accusers and pointed them to the truth.
...the time, these men told stories. When Zvi got a chance to speak, the men got into a spirited conversation about Jesus. They were all amazed to see that Jesus was not only found in the New Testament Scriptures but also all throughout the Old Testament. Listen how Zvi boldly but gently spoke to these curious soldiers.
...selfish life. Zvi was able to share with this man about the good news of the Messiah. But not everyone was pleased with Zvi’s teachings. Hear what the news of faith did to this man and how his family responded.
...and asked if he could walk with him. Surprisingly, this man said yes! Zvi knew the man’s heart was troubled, so he shared a song of hope from Psalms. Hear how God opened the man’s heart through Zvi’s friendship to hear the truth of Scripture.
...they were from an anti-missionary organization. Zvi invited them in his home the next evening and listened to their judgment on him. They called him their “public enemy” and said they knew Zvi hated them. But Zvi didn’t hate them; he wanted them to have eternal life! Hear how he explained the truth of God’s Word to the men in a way they had never heard before.
...America, he went back to his job, but no one asked him how his trip was. They only asked how many he had led astray by the teachings of Jesus. Their insults did not scare him. Instead he was patient and shared with them Isaiah 2:3b: “For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”
...enjoyed explaining why it is such a joyous celebration. But he always warned them that his answer might not be what they expected. Zvi took them to the Hebrew Scriptures to explain the joy of Christmas. They were shocked and thankful that he took the time to show them where the Messiah was talked about in the Old Testament.
...will send! Zvi’s neighbor came to him and asked about his faith in the Lord. However, her husband was determined to oppose anyone who preached contrary to Jewish tradition. Listen how Zvi shared in this time of persecution.
...terrorists. As they passed the bus and the carnage, a passenger on their bus exclaimed that they all must go home and put oil on their mezuzahs and thank God for preserving their lives. Zvi called out his pride and said that he chose rather to pray for the victims and their families. He then explained how they, the Jewish people, should be a light to all other nations not by empty superstitions but by real faith in God.
...Communist rule all their lives, Zvi began building friendships and sharing his faith. He knew that truth ultimately conquers, and he considered it an obligation to reach out to many of these immigrants. Hear how Zvi comforted them with the Word of God and prayed that the Lord alone would be their guide and lead them to truth.
...Zvi assured him that God would still hear him. Coincidentally, the two men remembered each other from their time serving in the military together. This caused the man to listen closely, as Zvi had become so much more serious since their time together. As the conversation drew others to listen, Zvi took this opportunity to preach the truth of the Messiah.
...on an ultra-Orthodox party ticket — placed an ad in the newspaper stating that God would judge those who did not give their votes to his political party. This bothered Zvi, and the Lord gave him the courage to go to the party’s headquarters to have a discussion about it.
...that there was a man who performed miracles inside. Zvi boldly asked who gave this man the power of the devil! The bystander left and brought back a group of men who began asking Zvi questions. Hear how Zvi stood up to these men while also sharing the truth of God’s Word.
...could never possibly forgive them. They wondered, “How could God ever love such insignificant people like us?” However, after an honest conversation and some truth from Scripture, Zvi helped change their worldview in a way they never imagined.
...beliefs. The men came to repent and acknowledge their weakness, but Zvi came to point them toward the hope that they have in God. Asking probing questions, he was able to explain how the Jewish people can find assurance in their salvation.
...memorable occasion, he ran into an old friend from the army. His friend recognized Zvi, but Zvi could not recognize him because of the changes to his outward appearance. Though Zvi hadn’t changed on the outside, God had changed him on the inside, and he wanted this to be true for his old friend, too. Zvi took the chance to tell his friend and many other listeners about the way that Jesus can truly change a person’s heart. ultra-orthodox school and talked to some of the students about Christmas and Hanukkah. One student mentioned that Hanukkah was a “holy feast.” Zvi responds with a series of questions about Hanukkah and Christmas and the biblical evidence behind each. His approach to these students is something we can all learn as we talk to our unbelieving friends during this festive time of year. share biblical truth, Zvi instead told them to examine their hearts and wound up having a deep discussion with them. He invited their rabbi to come, and as they shared soft drinks and coffee, he told them about the living God that could give them clean hearts.
...listened to him, Zvi introduced him to the One who always hears our prayers. He used Old Testament passages to perfectly capture how God was near to his friend and how Jesus had gone through trials, too. He could relate to the man’s pain! Zvi’s knowledge of the Old Testament caught his friend’s attention. Through this meeting, Zvi introduced his friend to the One who could give salvation and joy in the saddest moments.
...their neighborhood died. Many were lamenting her passing and how she had no money or children to ensure that her memory would live on. But there was hope for her soul. Hear how Zvi used this opportunity to speak about the Messiah and the secure future he could look forward to because of his belief in Jesus.
...attendance the rabbi told everyone that they needed to gain knowledge over faith in God. After praying for courage, Zvi stood up and asked the rabbi some hard questions that didn’t end the way he expected. Listen and find out how God used him!
...worker Zvi asked what it was that they did there. The worker explained they help save their fellow brothers who have fallen prey to the missionaries’ teaching of falsehoods. When Zvi stated, “I never heard of anyone dying from reading the Bible,” everyone turned and looked at him. Listen and find out what their response was to this seemingly simple statement. he was viewed by others and the religious prejudice that existed in his community. Of course, Zvi chose not to let this offend him but instead to bring truth to the authorities. Listen to how choosing to do the right thing and serve God led to opportunities to share his faith and the love of God.
...a child. The song was sad, and it reminded him of the other children he had sung the song with, many of whom perished in Nazi death camps. He desired for them to lament no longer and to call upon the Lord and rejoice in His salvation. Praying for guidance, Zvi entered the school to talk to the rabbi and the children to share the joy of the Lord with them.
...God’s Word; they just want to return to their homes as quickly as possible. Upon encountering some of these men at the wall, Zvi asked them if they knew what they were reading. They called on their rabbi to confront him, but Zvi was not afraid. Listen to find out what happened when he approached them with the truth of Scripture. why the man’s children were not around to help their father. As the man lamented the fact that his children were of no help to him, Zvi struck up a conversation about God’s command in Exodus for children to honor their parents. Hear how this simple interaction led to a discussion about following the Lord and finding hope in Him for salvation.
...Arab nations proudly shouted the slogan, “Butcher the Jews! Cast them into the sea!” Despite this inborn animosity Arabs had for Jewish people and their right to the land of Israel, Zvi always tried to treat his Arab neighbors with love and kindness. Once he could break down their blind hatred of Jewish people, he then tried to share the love of the Messiah with them from the Scriptures. Listen and find out how he shared his faith with one very important man in the Arab neighborhood. to two Russian priests and began conversing. The discussion quickly turned to the matter of faith. Zvi realized how little the priests knew of Christ and considered it his duty to share God’s Word with them. Listen to find out what happened when he brought the light of the gospel to these spiritually darkened men. share his faith in Christ. But despite his difficulties, he kept the right attitude: his jobs allowed him to spread the gospel to more people. In one instance, his coworkers asked him his thoughts about Christmas. At first they were upset, but something was different this time. Hear how God opened their ears to listen to what Zvi had to share about the birth of Christ.
...Orthodox Jewish man and his family while walking his son’s dog. While the man put his faith in his tassels and garments, Zvi encouraged him to put his faith in God. Find out how a dog looking for a chew toy led to an examination of the heart. apostate who tries to lead them away from the faith. When an unexpected snowstorm hit Israel, Zvi worked to help those without power. He encountered a wealthy rabbi while he fixed his family’s electricity. Listen to how Zvi got the opportunity to minister in the middle of the storm.
...Christ with a few Orthodox men Zvi had spoken to previously. Although his listeners weren’t initially open to hearing about Jesus, Zvi was joined by an older man who wasn’t like the others. Listen to how Zvi shared his faith with these men and how the older man brought a new perspective to the conversation.
...the Western Wall every week to hand out Bibles at bar mitzvahs. While he witnessed to the children, he received an unexpected listener with questions about the Messiah. Hear about the wonderful opportunities he had to share about Jesus to many at the Wall.
...waiting to die. He realized the opportunity he had to reach a hurting group of people in need of the truth of God’s Word. Though the people knew the Old Testament, their hearts were just waiting to be opened to the true glory of God’s Word. Hear how Zvi brought hope to many people who had been seeking it for so long.
...comfort the people of Israel. One of the rabbis was the leader of a large synagogue in Zvi’s neighborhood. For a long time, he would not even look at Zvi because of his faith in Jesus, but one day a kind gesture opens the door for Zvi to share with the rabbi about prayer and the Messiah.
...w attend the meeting to hear the rabbi’s thoughts on the subject. During the question and answer session, as Zvi shared God’s truth with the rabbi, the discussion grew heated. Though the rabbi threw him out of the meeting, Zvi found a second chance to proclaim the Word of God to a large audience. Hear what happened the next time he met this rabbi!
...could not pray. Zvi asked them, “If every synagogue were locked, would you not pray?” The men were shocked by his disregard for Jewish customs that they felt were necessary to earn God’s favor. Though some of the older men warned the younger men not to listen to Zvi, they received more than directions when he used the opportunity to share truth and God’s love with them.
...neglect the importance of praying to the almighty God of Heaven. They did not think that they should bow down before God, as they believed this was only for Christians. Little did they know that the heroes of their faith all bowed before the Lord in the Hebrew Scriptures.
...America, he went back to his job, but no one asked him how his trip was. They only asked how many he had led astray by the teachings of Jesus. Their insults did not scare him. Instead he was patient and shared with them Isaiah 2:3b: “For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”
... their teachers (rabbis) were with them. Since the men were so confident in their superiority over Zvi, one teacher made a bet that if Zvi could prove where the Bible spoke of the virgin birth, he would eat his shoes! Listen to see if Zvi could make the rabbi eat his words -- and his shoes!
...want the land of Israel. Zvi asked them if they knew the conflict between the Arabs and the Jewish people was in the Bible. They were curious as he showed them the Scriptures. Then Zvi’s neighbors realized his Bible he was holding contained the New Testament. Many more questions followed this realization, and Zvi was able to share about his faith in Jesus. day, he ran into such a man, who caused a scene, screaming “Beware of this man! He is very dangerous!” Many knew Zvi as an honest, hard-working man, so a crowd gathered to listen to the two discuss their faith. Hear what happened when the man tried to turn the public against Zvi!
...Zvi because they knew he was a Christian. One thing the men wanted to know is how Christians can believe that God is Three in One: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Listen to how Zvi took these men to their own Scriptures to show them the evidence of the Trinity.
...was keeping, and they were shocked to hear his disregard for all their traditions. How could he challenge such important tenets of their faith? Zvi showed boldness in his discussion, showing the women that what they did outwardly to be recognized by others could be done inwardly with a heart of worship toward God
...had “repented” and became Orthodox. As Zvi looked at the picture, he explained how wearing a long beard and black clothing was not true repentance but rather an attempt to please people. He then opened the Bible and showed them what true repentance looked like. particular encounter, the men mocked him, saying, “Your God is born!” But Zvi took the opportunity to share the truth with them. When they challenged him to prove that Jesus was the Son of God from the Old Testament, Zvi came prepared and opened the eyes of some of the young students in the group.
...of heaven. Zvi took the flyer, and the men waited as he read the words. Then they asked what he thought of what he had just read. Listen as Zvi gently but boldly explains what the Word of God says about the assurance of heaven and how all men can have eternal life.
...understand how Rabbi Schneerson could be the messiah just as the men couldn’t understand how Jesus could be the Messiah. When Zvi accused them of making a mere man into a god, they began a spirited discussion. Listen to find out what Zvi had to say and if he was able to change their minds about who the Messiah is.
... only invited so that men from the area could try to convince him that Jesus was not the Messiah. He watched a rabbi preach on TV for two hours, and his silence made the men think he had been humbled and proven wrong. But Zvi was only being quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger (James 1:19b). Listen to how he used the Hebrew Scriptures to prove Jesus’ deity.
... faith years before on a crowded bus. The men had no idea who lived in the house where they knocked. They were simply traveling around telling people about the man they believed was the Messiah: Menachem Mendel Schneerson, a rabbi from New York. Zvi invited them into his house where he shared the truth of the Scriptures to these men seeking the Messiah.
...him often and bragged of their strength and their belief that Israel would soon be wiped off the map. But the secret of Israel’s survival through countless evils and wars can only be explained in one way: God. Listen to how Zvi combatted their boastful words with truth from the Bible about whose side God is on.
...remaining survivors able to tell his story, he was invited to speak at a school. But Zvi didn’t come just to share his experiences in the Holocaust; he came to give the true Word of God to all the students! Hear what happened in this perfect opportunity to speak of faith in Christ in a lesson that a group of school children would never forget.
...still alive. He went from an orphanage to a farmer who wanted to kill him to the Israeli army, surviving many troubles in each place. He reflects on the moment when he was first given a Bible and realized after all these years that it was the Lord on his side all along.
...courage in the Lord. When the man’s friends arrived, they continued their verbal attack more aggressively. Rather than repaying evil for evil, Zvi pointed the men to the Bible to show where true wisdom lies. Hear how God worked a potentially dangerous situation into a fruitful witnessing opportunity.
...up playing with their Arab neighbors, and when Zvi saw these neighbors 35 years later, he found that prejudice had overtaken them. They assumed that his children hated them, but Zvi explained that he taught his children to love. This opened the door for a discussion about the Book that they lived their lives by.
... could get him banned from visiting, he told the man, who was anxious to hear more about Jesus, that he would have to come back. He knew how difficult it was to speak about salvation in the hospital, but he was determined to see the man. Hear how God was sure to send Zvi back to share his faith with the man. It’s something only our great God could do!
...for opportunities from God. One day he was asked to visit a fellow Holocaust survivor who desired to share his story. Zvi was able to talk through the heartache they shared but also the hope God had provided. See how Zvi’s faithful prayers to share his faith were answered in a big way.
...them to tell these stories. Zvi told his story to the students and also how he believed in the Lord Jesus Christ who gave him hope. The students became angry as he talked about Jesus. Zvi was sure they would never ask him back again, but years later a teacher asked him again. Listen as the students and teacher engage him in a discussion of God’s Word.
...faced there, Zvi instead preached from Jerusalem where many came to hear him. Many in the congregation were Arab and asked Zvi if he hated the Arab people. Zvi explained to them the difference between defending Jewish people against the Arabs and hating them. Listen to how he explains God’s protection of His people using Scripture.
...heard that he was also a Holocaust survivor. They invited him to speak at their synagogue, asking him questions about his faith. But they didn’t expect what Zvi did next. Hear what happened when Zvi spoke against the rabbi’s authority and proclaimed the name of Jesus.
...needed. One day after an ultra-Orthodox family moved in, the father came and asked Zvi to help him with his electricity. While Zvi fixed their electricity, he talked with the family about what they believed and why. Because he was helping them, they listened. Listen as Zvi gently shares the good news of the Messiah with his new neighbors.
Apples of Gold
Dramatic readings of Zvi Kalishers life-changing encounters with his countrymen in Israel. Voiced by Mike Kellogg.
Jesus the Messiah
Has Zvi's stories left you with questions regarding who Jesus is and how to come to know Him?
Learn More About Jesus
Related Resources
The Best of Zvi
This unique sampler of Zvi’s experiences sharing his faith will inspire and encourage you as you see God’s infinite love, wisdom, and power in action.
Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph
This is the compelling, true story of how a 10-year-old Jewish boy survives the Holocaust, finds life-transforming faith in the Messiah, and becomes God’s man on the streets of Jerusalem.
Zvi: The Return DVD
Zvi visits his childhood home in Warsaw, Poland, and reflects on his experiences more than half a century after the Holocaust. Hosted by Elwood McQuaid.
Join With Us
The life and ministry of Zvi Kalisher is an enduring example of how to bring the gospel to the Jewish people in love and truth. Our goal today is the same as Zvi's was. His commitment to evangelism mirrors our mission and our workers are fully devoted to this task, but there are many that still need to hear the gospel and experience the joy it provides. We ask for your prayers and financial gifts to effectively send out laborers to the harvest.
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Mike Kellogg
br>(1941—2023)The Voice of Zvi Kalisher
Apples of Gold audio stories were voiced by Mike Kellogg. Mike was in newspaper and radio news and production for almost 50 years, both in secular and Christian venues. In 2014 he retired from Moody Radio after 42 years. He narrated the first recorded version of the NLT version of the Bible. For nearly 30 years he taught at Moody Bible Institute as adjunct professor in communications.
He and his wife, Nancy Smith Kellogg, were married in 1965 and enjoyed rearing their six children and 19 grandchildren together.
We are thankful to the Lord for Mike’s years of ministry and the way he served The Friends of Israel as the voice of Zvi Kalisher.
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