In the previous installment, we considered the origin and nature of Replacement Theology, which involves understanding the church to be the new Israel or the spiritual Israel, or otherwise taking …
The Danger of Replacing Israel (Part 1)
As Bible-believing Christians, we must maintain a keen focus on the importance of Israel—from its biblical past, through its strategic present, to its prophetic future. And, indeed, we must always …
The Day of the Lord
The term Day of the Lord in the Bible is a term that sometimes confuses Christians. The main reason is that it is applied to different events in prophecy, while …
6 Reasons to Study the Book of Revelation
Revelation is one of the most avoided books in the Bible. Pastors seldom preach from it. Sunday schools and small groups seem to have many more pressing things to study. …
Why Should I Care About the Old Testament?
Coming from someone we had just met, I was both surprised and taken aback by these comments. With hardly a thought, the Old Testament was sidelined at best and dismissed …
What is Dispensationalism?
When you hear the word “dispensation” in the evangelical world it can provoke much debate and questions. How we all organize, systematize, and interpret God’s progressive revelation through the biblical …
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