There are three Hebrew words used in Scripture when identifying the Jewish people. First is the word Hebrew (Genesis 14:13) that comes from the word “Eber,” who is a grandson …
Where Would You Be Without the Word of God?
I remember the day my journey with the Lord began. It seems like yesterday when two born-again believers I worked with asked me a very simple question: “Rob, why do …
The Dangers of Taking Bible Verses Out of Context
Have you ever read a news report that caused you to question its accuracy? It just seemed that the material was lifted out of context and lost its connection to …
You Shall Love
Everybody leaned in close to hear His answer… This rabbi has been causing quite a stir within the Jewish community. Most rabbis travel with their talmidim (disciples) close by, and …
The Jewish Life of Jesus
Do you have a heart for Israel and the Jewish people? I hope so. Yet someone could ask the question, “How do I acquire this heart for the Jewish people? …
Will We Recognize Our Loved Ones in Heaven?
Whenever I pass through the historical accounts of the Kings of Judah and Israel in the Bible, I am always amazed at that point in Judah’s history when the Book …