As the ebb and flow of world tensions, pandemics, economic booms and recessions, and political theater goes, so goes the ebb and flow of questions and opinions on the end-times. …
5 Ways to Interpret Prophecy
“We’re in the last days!” he said. “I can see parts of Revelation playing out all around us!” My friend was so worked up I could barely get a word …
5 Reasons I Am a Dispensational Premillennialist
Dispensational Premillennialism distinctly holds that God has a positive future for the nation of Israel yet to be realized in the Millennium, the 1,000-year reign of Jesus Christ on Earth. …
The Top 3 Reasons We Need Eschatology
The study of “last things” (eschatology) seems to have fallen out of favor in many corners of the modern church. With a dismissive reference to no one knowing the day …
Who Is Immanuel?
As we count down to Christmas Day, many of us read Scripture that speaks of the Messiah’s birth. The Old Testament has many wonderful prophecies that detailed His coming hundreds …
Romans 9–11 (Part 3): All Israel Will Be Saved
In the first two articles of this series, we examined Paul’s discourse on Israel in his letter to the church in Rome (dated around 56–57 AD). We’ve concluded that Paul …