This article was originally published on November 20, 2020. “Thank you” was an expected response my parents reinforced in our lives. Praying at the table to give thanks was, and …
This Is My Battle Cry, and I Ask It Be Yours Too
Can it get any worse? I asked myself as I read of yet another antisemitic incident on a U.S. college campus. This week at Cooper Union, a college in New …
The Birth of the Jewish Synagogue
King Josiah had a problem—several, actually. He was young, 20 to be exact, having become king at the age of 8. Things hadn’t gotten any easier after he took the …
Exploring the Tribulation
For generations, people have asked and pursued questions concerning the Great Tribulation described in Scripture. Many have asked, “Who will experience the Tribulation?” and, “Where will the church be?” While …
Why Does the New Testament Quote the Old Testament So Much?
The New Testament contains about 300 quotations from the Old Testament (depending on how you allocate direct quotations and collated/condensed quotations), which raises a crucial question: Why do the New …
Why Are the Dead Sea Scrolls So Important?
In 1947, a Bedouin shepherd boy and a wayward goat made an amazing discovery in a nearly inaccessible cave in Qumran, Israel, forever confirming the accuracy of the Bible. When the …