“If God is holy, I’m in trouble.” This was the uncomfortable realization my Jewish friend and colleague, Marty, came to when he was 12 years old. To assuage his concern, …
Taking God at His Word
Here in Australia, we have just gone through an election campaign. Billboards, social media, TV and radio ads, and a seemingly never-ending stream of interviews with the combatant candidates documented …
How First-Century Jews and Gentiles Understood the Gospel Differently
When the apostles first proclaimed the gospel message, they encountered two different audiences, Jewish and Gentile. The book of Acts records those encounters and the emphases in the content of …
How to Live in Light of Jesus’ Return
Anticipation—it’s an electrifying feeling we all experience in the major moments of life. As a kid, when my family was planning to visit my grandparents in Florida, I remember the …
It’s Not About Me!
Awe and wonder held my weary, dry eyes open until my foggy contact lenses forced me to blink for a clearer view out the bus window. With every blink, I …
When You’re the Only One Following God
It was my 14th birthday when I became the little Christian fish in the big non-Christian pond. Going to a healthy, Bible-teaching school growing up had been a huge privilege, …