In the previous post I noted that, “Jesus didn’t just appear out of nowhere, according to the Scriptures He’s a part of the royal family of David, which makes him …
Significant Archaeological Finds (Part 1)
Hey Everybody, for the past two years I’ve been sharing the love of the Messiah Jesus with a dear friend of mine. Many of our spiritual discussions would always come …
The Abrahamic Covenant (Part 2)
Last week we unpacked the Abrahamic Covenant (Promise), which we said consists of three major elements: Land, Descendents, and Blessing. We concluded in our previous blog that within the Abrahamic Covenant (click …
The Abrahamic Covenant (Part 1)
God has made reliable promises to us which can be found all throughout the Scriptures. In fact, one of my favorite blogs to visit is 365 Promises. Everyday the writer of …
Le Messie Revient
Après que Pierre eût confessé Jésus en tant que Messie (Marc 8 :29), à ce moment crucial du ministère de Jésus parmi Ses disciples, Jésus se tourna vers Ses disciples …
Qui a tué Jésus ?
Imaginez-vous ceci : une famille juive qui décore un arbre de Noël en y consacrant beaucoup de temps. Cela ne vous paraît-il pas étrange ? À l’âge de dix-sept ans, …