Picture this: Your alarm clock pulls you out of a deep, comfortable, all-too-short sleep on a Sunday morning. You know nothing would feel better than an extra hour or two …
Was Jesus a Jewish Rebel?
Jesus asked His disciples the most penetrating question: “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” (Mt. 16:13). Their responses included a number of prophets, such as Elijah …
Is There a Purpose for the Law Today?
In his letter to the Ephesian believers, Paul argued that salvation comes through faith in Christ alone, apart from any legalistic requirements (Eph. 2:8-9). Years earlier Paul had shared this …
Missing the Target
We believe that sin is anything that does not conform to the character and nature of God. We believe that all mankind sinned in Adam, the head of the human race, …
It’s happening. The U.S. presidential election year is in full swing and most of us can already see it’s getting quite feisty out there on the trail. Thus far this election cycle has proven to be one of the most contentious in election history.
The Incarnation: Grace Upon Grace (John 1:16)
I think that too often when we look at the Law in the Old Testament we, as Christians today, consider it a burden. The Law is something we don’t understand …