These words were written on a plaque above the door of my junior high school industrial arts class. I’ve never forgotten them. Another plaque that I saw in numerous Christian …
How First-Century Jews and Gentiles Understood the Gospel Differently
This blog was originally published on February 18, 2022. When the apostles first proclaimed the gospel message, they encountered two different audiences, Jewish and Gentile. The book of Acts records …
The Temple, the Torn Veil, and the Shekinah Glory
During Jesus’ ministry, the enlargement of the Temple complex in Jerusalem was in its final stages. You can imagine standing on the Mount of Olives, soaking in the glorious view …
What Should We Say to People Who Scoff at Christ’s Second Coming?
Shortly before His arrest, Jesus assured His troubled disciples, “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare …
Are We Sinners by Nature or Nurture?
Are we accountable for our sins if we’re born that way? Or are we only accountable for sins that we can learn and unlearn—exercising a reasonable degree of control over …
Jesus, Our Kinsman-Redeemer
Most people enjoy love stories. The best love stories are usually set in tragic circumstances but finish with a happy ending. The Old Testament account of Ruth is one such …