Growing up I read lots of Bible storybooks. Joshua and the battle of Jericho, David and Goliath, Jonah and the fish, Jesus and His miracles—all favorites that built my love …
How I Fell in Love With Israel
“Grandpa, have you ever heard of the name ‘Plantz’ being Jewish?” “Yes, I have!” my Grandpa Ralph replied. “When did you learn that?” “My grandmother told me, when I was …
It’s Not About Me!
Awe and wonder held my weary, dry eyes open until my foggy contact lenses forced me to blink for a clearer view out the bus window. With every blink, I …
Ancient Witnesses: How Archaeology Confirms Israel’s God-Given Right to the Holy Land (Part 2)
Last week we looked at a few examples of ancient witnesses that archaeology provides. These witnesses uphold the claim that Israel has deep historical ties to the Holy Land, thus …
Ancient Witnesses: How Archaeology Confirms Israel’s God-Given Right to the Holy Land (Part 1)
Iremember the first time I walked into the cave of Indiana Jones. It wasn’t really Indiana Jones, and it wasn’t really a cave. But it felt that way. I was …
7 Reasons Every Christian Should Visit Israel
If you’re a believer in Jesus, visiting Israel isn’t just a great bucket-list item. It’s a life-changing experience. Here are seven great reasons why every Christian should visit Israel. This …