Have you ever been disappointed? I know—what a ridiculous question! Remember Benjamin Franklin’s version of a popular idiom? “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and …
Known by God—A Key to Spiritual Transformation
I do not paint but when I was young, I used to love to watch my older brother Scott set up a canvas, select his colors and brushes, and begin to …
Stressed Out?
This holiday adventure was unlike any other I had ever planned. This was the Christmas of 2020: a socially-distanced Christmas morning, alone in Las Vegas, Nevada. As a single gal …
It Is Well
The beautiful words of the famous hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” were not written at a time of peace. Though they sound more appropriate for a day at …
Can We Enjoy the Work of a Believer-Turned-Apostate?
Unfortunately, it’s not an infrequent occurrence today when a once-celebrated writer, artist, or pastor renounces his or her faith in Christ. Joshua Harris is a prime example. In 2019, the …
Flawed: David and the Jewish People (Part 2)
When David became king of Israel, he had already captured the hearts of the people. A man after God’s own heart, he became Israel’s favored son. But it came with …