The threat of domestic and foreign danger is growing more and more prevalent in a world fueled by animosity and anarchy. Respect for life, law, and authority is rapidly evaporating. …
Do You Love Me?
If you listen to Paul’s heart as you read the epistles, you discover that he has more than a theological familiarity with the hardship, distress, sleeplessness, and the personal attacks …
Issues Facing Our Churches Today, Part Two
Acritical question believers must ask themselves today is, “What is the nature, purpose, and function of the church?” To reach the unsaved, must the church conform to the world’s concept …
Issues Facing Our Churches Today, Part One
As a person who loves the church and has been privileged to minister in numerous local churches for more than four decades, I have a deep concern regarding the directions …
He sat across from me, his steel blue eyes examining my own. Those eyes had seen many things during their 80+ years—the forced expulsion from home, death marches, ghettos.