If ever there was a good man, it was Ken. He was an intensely devoted family man, a beloved pastor, an in-demand conference speaker, and a steadfast friend to hundreds …
God and Punishment
Several years ago, one of my daughters asked me, “Why do we have to be punished?” While I am not always prepared to answer such tough questions, I was ready …
Finding Joy in Darkness
“We need to talk.” “I don’t love you.” “She’s not going to make it.” “He took his own life.” Once you hear enough of these, your mind goes to some …
What Is the Purpose of the Ten Commandments for Christians Today?
A Sunday school teacher discussed the Ten Commandments in class with her 5 and 6-year-olds. After explaining the commandment to honor our fathers and mothers, she asked, “Is there a commandment …
Future Rewards
With the advent of the Internet, online shopping, and endless apps for immediately accessing books, movies, how-to videos, and beyond, the virtue of waiting has slowly ebbed away in our …
The 3 Responsibilities of Christ’s Bride
Ask any God-fearing married couple for the key to a successful marriage, and among their myriad answers, you’re likely to hear one repeated piece of advice: Love and respect each …