I wonder if people ask you, like they ask me, “Why do you focus so much on Israel? Why not focus only on the gospel and how to live out …
Would Paul Be Welcome in Your Church?
Picture this. You are in your church’s auditorium, and the musicians have just finished playing. As they return to their seats, you flip to a fresh page in your sermon …
Why Does the New Testament Quote the Old Testament So Much?
The New Testament contains about 300 quotations from the Old Testament (depending on how you allocate direct quotations and collated/condensed quotations), which raises a crucial question: Why do the New …
Does Eyewitness Testimony Support the Bible?
According to a 2022 Gallup poll, “A record-low 20% of Americans now say the Bible is the literal word of God.” This number is down from 24 percent when the …
Was Luke Really a Gentile?
Hypothetically, if it were to be settled in court that Luke was a Gentile, one would need a kangaroo court—a biased, unreliable, agenda-driven court that predetermines cases without evidence. The …
How My First Trip to Israel Changed Me
Growing up I read lots of Bible storybooks. Joshua and the battle of Jericho, David and Goliath, Jonah and the fish, Jesus and His miracles—all favorites that built my love …