This blog was originally published on January 24, 2022. If you travel throughout Europe, you might find yourself stumbling over uneven bumps in the street. Looking down, you might find …
One Year Later: Commemorating October 7
The date is September 11 as I sit and write my thoughts. I vividly remember when my father ran to my room 23 years ago. With shock in his eyes …
Israel’s Public Relations Challenge
One of the first young Israeli backpackers that stayed in our home shared his aspirations to be a foreign diplomat one day. During his stay, he spoke passionately about his …
Does Islamic Doctrine Fuel Hamas’s Violence?
Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Moslem people. “May the cowards never sleep.” This statement and many like it come straight from Hamas’ Founding Charter, which outlines the …
Reading Israel Out of the Bible
Away with Israel! Anyone watching today’s news has likely heard these words. It’s the chief demand of the antisemitic protests around the world. Sadly, this sentiment has existed in certain …
Hamas vs. Israel: Simply No Comparison
Throughout its history, the State of Israel has fought two defensive conflicts at once—a battle for survival against its Arab neighbors and a PR battle to expose the world to …