If you listen to Paul’s heart as you read the epistles, you discover that he has more than a theological familiarity with the hardship, distress, sleeplessness, and the personal attacks …
Israel’s Helping Hands: Part Two, IsraAID
This week we watch as they help their northern neighbors, Syria. The civil war in Syria is complicated, no one questions that. And Israel and Syria’s relationship is not stable …
Israel’s Helping Hands: Part One, Innovation Africa
As we celebrate this miracle, we want to highlight ways this small nation is helping around the world. Many days our news is filled with bad things going on surrounding …
Why I Am a Christian Zionist
Awhile back, I was listening to a radio broadcast in which Joel McDurmon, a prominent leader in the evangelical world, argued that the Jewish people have no divine right to …
Whose Land Is It Anyway?
Whether or not the Jewish people were faithful to God, their behavior never invalidated their rightful ownership of the land of Israel. Disobedience cost them possession of it from time …
God’s Mercy Through Jesus
God’s mercy is a beautiful thing. When we deserve punishment, He withholds. God fully demonstrates His mercy in Jesus Christ. The New Testament reveals that Jesus defended and administered God’s …