This holiday adventure was unlike any other I had ever planned. This was the Christmas of 2020: a socially-distanced Christmas morning, alone in Las Vegas, Nevada. As a single gal …
Yom HaShoah: A Day to Remember
Two years ago I was in Israel on Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day). Our team of young adults, a delegation from California and Nevada taking part in the March of …
The Messiah: Who Was Israel Expecting?
Today Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah of Israel. We believe He fulfilled all the Messianic requirements of the Old Testament, proving He was the …
Passover: A Celebration of Freedom
The lockdown in Goshen was hard. After more than 400 years, what began as a journey for survival from the effects of famine in the land of promise for 70 …
What Can We Learn from the Jewish Laws?
Picture this: Your alarm clock pulls you out of a deep, comfortable, all-too-short sleep on a Sunday morning. You know nothing would feel better than an extra hour or two …
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
After the fall in Eden and the global flood, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob became the three pillars upon which God built His redemptive plan for humanity. These three were the …