Protecting Their Own

In News Surrounding Israel by Tim Munger


No stranger to terror, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu “expressed deep shock over the murderous attacks against innocent civilians in Sri Lanka, and Israel stands ready to assist the people of Sri Lanka in this difficult time,” the wake of the horrific Easter bombings of churches and hotels. The attacks had 859 casualties, with 359 dead and 500 injured. The Israeli National Security Counter- Terrorism Bureau has issued a travel warning for Israelis not to travel to Sri Lanka because of “a high and concrete threat of a terrorist attack,” now four days after the Sunday attacks. This announcement bears Israel’s second highest security alert for its citizens and was made after consultations with both security officials and the Foreign Ministry.

Sri Lankan intelligence authorities knew terror attacks were possible “against churches or other targets weeks before the bombings.” Both the Sri Lankan defense secretary and national police chief have resigned at the president’s request.

Most of the fatalities were Sri Lankan, but at least 36 foreigners were killed. “The remains of 13 have been repatriated. Fourteen foreigners are unaccounted for, and 12 were still being treated for injuries in Colombo hospitals.” So far, 58 suspects have been detained since the bombings.

With the warning to its citizens to not travel to Sri Lanka the government has wisely decided to protect their own, but this action also reminds the world of the danger of terrorism. It can happen anywhere. As Prime Minister Netanyahu wrote, “The entire world must unite in the battle against the scourge of terrorism.”

We should be praying for the people of Sri Lanka following the Easter terror attacks. May God comfort them and bring the perpetrators to justice.

(Source: The Times of Israel; Times of Israel Staff, AP)

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Tim Munger

Tim Munger is a Church Ministries Representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in the Detroit, Michigan area. Tim organizes and speaks at church conferences around the country.