News Digest — 9/30/19

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

Happy Rosh Hashanah From Donald Trump

On Sunday (29th), US President Donald Trump issued a statement wishing those observing Rosh Hashanah a Happy New Year on behalf of himself and First Lady Melania Trump.

“As the High Holy Days commence, Melania and I wish those observing Rosh Hashanah a Blessed and Happy New Year.

This sacred day marks the start of a ten-day period of both celebration and reflection.  Throughout the High Holy Days, those in the Jewish community engage in prayer and repentance, which culminate in the holiest day of the year in Judaism, Yom Kippur.  Each day, with the blowing of the shofar, the Jewish people embark on a spiritual journey to grow closer to Hashem and find a renewed sense of purpose in their faith.

As men, women, and children around the world partake in tradition-liturgy and enjoy customary meals with loved ones, we are all reminded of the virtues we can incorporate into our lives to better us as a nation – kindness, compassion and love.  Together with devotion to these ideals, we can form more sincere bonds with people of all faiths to help spread peace and prosperity in the United States and abroad.

Melania and I pray that those celebrating Rosh Hashanah build a more meaningful relationship with God through the High Holy Days. May the Almighty bless you all.”



UAE Foreign Minister: Shana Tovah

Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan, Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, on Sunday (29th) joined other world leaders in wishing Jews a Happy New Year.

“Shana Tovah,” he tweeted.

The UAE does not have diplomatic relations with Israel, but the countries seemed to have gotten closer in recent years.

A new Israeli diplomatic mission was opened in Abu Dhabi in 2015, but the UAE stressed that the move does not represent a change in policy regarding UAE-Israeli relations.  Nevertheless, Israeli officials have visited Abu Dhabi several times in the past year.

The UAE minister of state for foreign affairs, Anwar Gargash, recently criticized the Hezbollah terrorist organization after it fired multiple anti-tank missiles toward northern Israel. 

Previously, Gargash criticized Iran’s presence in Syria, saying in a televised interview, “it must be reduced.”

Meanwhile, last week it was reported that construction on the first official synagogue in the United Arab Emirates will begin in several months.

The synagogue, slated to be completed by 2022, will be part of a multi-faith complex called the Abrahamic Family House in the capital Abu Dhabi and will also contain a mosque and a church.



Security Forces Arrest Terrorists Who Murdered Rina Shnerb

IDF, Police and Border Police forces arrested the terrorists who murdered 17-year-old Rina Shnerb and injured her father, Rabbi Eitan Shnerb, and brother, Dvir, near Ein Bubin Spring on August 23.

The three terrorists from Ramallah and Binyamin areas are members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who were involved in the planning and execution of the terror attack as well as suspects in other terror attacks committed in the area.

Samer Mina Salim Arbib, 44, is one of the PFLP’s officials in Ramallah and was previously arrested for involvement in terrorist activities during the Second Intifada under the direct command of the PFLP leadership, preparing explosive devices and committing terrorist attacks.  Arbib set up and activated the IED that killed Rina.

Kassem a-Karim Ragah Shabli, 25, a member of the PFLP, was arrested in the past for involvement in terrorist activities.  Kassem provided the explosives that were used in the IED as well as assisted in assembling it and took part in the killing of Shnerb.

Yazen Hassin Hassni Mjames, 25, also a resident of Ramallah and a member of the PFLP, was arrested in the past and took part in the planning and execution of the attack near the Ein Bubin Spring.

The three took part in the planning and committing of several other terrorist attacks including shooting attacks and kidnappings.

A second IED was found by the security forces who disposed of it in a nearby field.

Some of the terrorists were found a few days after the attack near Ein Bubin, while others were captured a couple weeks ago.



Abbas Promises To Continue Paying Families Of Martyrs, Receives Applause At UN General Assembly

Palestinian Authority Leader Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday (26th) in his speech at the UN General Assembly that despite Israel’s demands, the Palestinian Authority will continue to pay salaries to terrotists.

“Even if I had only one penny, I would’ve given it to the families of the martyrs, prisoners and heroes,” said Abbas, who received a round of applause from the crowd.

Abbas also attacked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following his statement earlier this month to annex the Jordan Valley.

“We completely reject this plan.  If the Israeli government goes through with it, all of our commitments to previous agreements will be canceled,” Abbas said.

Abbas also bashed the United States for it’s last year’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a disputed territory up until that point, calling it an “aggressive measure.”

“The United States has taken illegal and aggressive measures, such as recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and transferring its embassy to it.  Jerusalem is part of the religious heritage of the Muslims and will remain the eternal capital of the Palestinian people. The U.S. administration continues its aggression, shutting down the PLO’s agency in Washington for no reason,” said the Palestinian Leader.

Abbas also said that the Palestinians would no longer agree to only one country mediating at a time in their negotiations with Israel and called for an international conference to promote the peace process.

“Our hands are always extended for peace.  More than one country has invited Netanyahu and me to meet.  Netanyahu refused three calls from Russia, but we always turn to peace.  I am calling for an international peace conference, which will involve Arab and international parties.  The international community must put an end to Israeli aggression and arrogance,” said Abbas.



What Are Soldiers Eating On Rosh Hashanah?

The preparations for the Jewish High Holy Days have been completed throughout the IDF. The food division of the IDF’s Technology and Logistics Division has prepared a supply of diverse food items and the chefs of the division are working to prepare rich menus tailored to the needs of the soldiers, taking into account all the different needs and populations.

As Rosh Hashanah began on Sunday evening (29th), IDF soldiers and commanders will be seated at holiday tables at bases and posts in the north, south and center of Israel through the close of the celebration on Tuesday evening (10/1) at sundown.

About 30 tons of apples will be distributed in honor of Rosh Hashanah and will be dipped in about three tons of honey and about four tons of silan (date honey), which will be provided to vegan soldiers.  The IDF also purchased about 27.5 tons of fish, about 196 tons of meat and about 142 tons of poultry.

The dining rooms will be supplied with about eight tons of honey cakes, about six tons of pomegranates, about five and a half tons of dates and over four tons of dried fruit.

Soldiers will raise a toast in honor of the new year with approximately 17,000 liters of grape juice and approximately 19,000 bottles of sweet beverages to be distributed at bases and posts.

During the past year, IDF soldiers ate a wide variety  of food items: about 1,000 tons of chicken breast, about 500 tons of hamburgers, about 30 tons of beef, about 250 tons of tuna, and about 380 tons of fish.  Other food items include over 1,000 tons of pasta, about 600 tons of couscous, about 1,500 tons of rice, about 2 million units of bread, over 300 tons of flour, about 55,000 liters of olive oil, over 15 million eggs, almost 10 million bags of chocolate milk and about 170 tons of cakes.

IDF fighters and soldiers will continue their security work during the holidays in order to protect the citizens of the State of Israel and ensure that all have a happy and peaceful holiday.  
