June 7, 2018

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

Member of Palestinian ‘Tamimi Clan’ Killed After Hurling Rock At IDF Soldier

A Palestinian rioter was killed in the Ramallah area on Wednesday (6th) after attempting to kill an IDF soldier with a rock at close range.

The attacker hurled a large rock at IDF troops during a counter-terrorism arrest in the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh northwest of Ramallah.

A riot ensued during the arrest and IDF troops responded with riot dispersal means.

At one point, “one of the Palestinians flanked the troops and hurled the rock striking a soldier’s head,” an IDF spokesperson said.

In response, the targeted soldier fired toward the assailant, who was injured and given medical treatment at the scene.  He subsequently died of his wounds.

He was identified as Izzeddin Tamimi, 21, who was wanted by the IDF for over a year.

The incident occurred just weeks after an Israeli soldier was killed in a similar manner by a block thrown that crushed his head.



The Notorious Tamimi Clan

Nabi Saleh is home to about 600 members of the extended Tamimi clan – including Izzeddin – which has been engaged in provocations and terrorism against Israel for years.

Izzeddin’s cousin is Ahed Tamimi, who is currently imprisoned for assaulting IDF soldiers and incitement to terrorism.  Her mother Nariman and cousin Nur were also charged with incitement. Ahed’s father and Izzeddin’s uncle, Bassem has been arrested multiple times for rioting and inciting children to commit acts of terror.  

Ahlam Tamimi, cousin of Bassem Tamimi was one of Hamas’ first female recruits.  She was involved in the terror cell that carried out the bombing of the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem in August 2001, which claimed the lives of 15 people.



Netanyahu: The Problem In Gaza Starts With Iran’s Desire To Annihilate Israel

The problem in Gaza begins with Iran’s basic desire to destroy Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a meeting with UK Prime Minister Theresa May in London Wednesday (6th) according to Ma’Ariv.

“They burn our fields and try to break into our fences to abduct soldiers and harm civilians,” he said.  “This is not a nonviolent demonstration. We are doing everything we can to prevent loss of life.”



PA Told France That Gaza Border Clashes Were Financed By Iran – Tamar Pileggi

The Palestinian Authority informed the French government last month that Iran was financing the violent protests along the Gaza border, Israel’s Channel 10 reported Tuesday (5th).  “Iran is fully financing and pushing the Hamas demonstrations,” Salman al-Harfi, the Palestinian ambassador to France, told a government official.



Argentina Cancels Israel Soccer Match Following Palestinian Pressure

In the face of intense Palestinian pressure, Argentina decided to pull out of a soccer match against Israel, a senior source at Argentina’s Football Federation told AP on Tuesday (5th).  The game was highly anticipated in Israel, with tickets selling out in 20 minutes.  Following the news, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Argentine President Mauricio Macri to urge him to intercede to forestall the cancellation.  Macri told Netanyahu that he had no control over the teams’ decision.

(timesofisrael.com; ap.com)


Regev: Terror Threats Only Reason For Argentina Friendly Match Cancellation

Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev asserted on Wednesday (6th) that the friendly Israel-Argentina soccer match was canceled solely because of the terror threats to Argentine soccer star Lionel Messi and his family.

After a fierce Palestinian campaign, which included images of Argentina’s white and blue striped jersey stained with red paint resembling blood and threats to burn Messi’s posters, Argentina’s Football Federation announced it was skipping the event.

Regev showed photos of the “bloodied” shirts, charging that “These are photos of terror elements threatening the lives of Messi, his family and the other Argentina team members.”  

“This is an old-new terrorism.  This is the same terrorism that caused the 1972 Munich Massacre,” she further said.



As Syria Crumbles, Israeli Government Pushes Plan To Develop Golan, Increase Population

Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon endorsed a new plan on Wednesday (6th) to rapidly develop the Golan Heights and raise its population from 22,000 to 100,000 within a decade.  The plan will improve the quality of life in the Golan and bring more tourists to the area.

“The missed opportunity in the Golan is not only demographic but also a security danger,” said Deputy Minister Michael Oren.  “Iran is trying to replace the Sunni population near the border with Shiite forces to build a base in Syria and make the Golan a conflict zone with Israel.  We must take advantage of of this window of opportunity now.”

(jpost.com; reuters.com)


South African Radio Personality Sides With Israel On Gaza – Jenna Etheridge

Radio personality Gareth Cliff has courted controversy by declaring that Israel is entitled to protect itself from Palestinians “clearly hellbent on violence.”  I looked at what was going on over there and I have done quite a lot of reading with quite a lot of the news articles from around the world and this claim that Israel shot demonstrators is just a blatant lie.  It’s an absolute falsehood,” Cliff said. “This was an attempt to invade a sovereign nation and border communities to indiscriminately slaughter civilians.”

Cliff claimed that a successful “border breach” would have resulted in “real carnage on both sides.”  He said, “Thousands of people would have streamed through the fence and there would have been fires set, communities would have engaged in war.  What must Israel do? Let it happen? Let their citizens be killed by a bunch of people who are clearly hellbent on violence? Tell me how that’s an equal situation for both sides.  It really isn’t.”



U.S. Won’t Celebrate Independence Day Reception In Jerusalem, Russia Will

The U.S. 4th of July Independence Day celebrations in Israel will not take place this year in Jerusalem, despite the fact that its embassy was moved to the city last month after Washington recognized it as Israel’s capital.

This year, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman has decided to host the 4th of July reception in the “Airport City” events hall near Ben Gurion airport rather than in Jerusalem.

On the other hand, Russia is planning to host its Independence day reception in Sergei Courtyard in Jerusalem on June 15.



Netanyahu: Israel Sending Rescue Teams To Guatemala

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to assist Guatemala in rescue and recovery efforts, following a devastating volcano eruption on Sunday (3rd), killing more than 75 people and burying nearby towns in ash.  200 people are still missing.

Israel is sending aid teams in rescue and recovery, plus 10 doctors, part of a specialist medical team.

On Monday (4th) Israel sent $10,000 for purchase of medicines and other basic supplies for survivors.

Guatemala, a nation of some 17 million people, maintains close ties with Israel.
