June 11, 2018

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

Amid Tensions, IDF Calls Surprise Drill On Northern Border

The Israel Defense Forces called up thousands of reservists on Sunday (10th) as part of a surprise exercise in the Golan Heights on Israel’s border with Syria.

The drill is expected to last several days and will include heavy security vehicle traffic in the area.

Echoes of explosions are likely to be heard in the surrounding communities, the military said.

The drill is being held amid mounting tensions in the northern sector over Israel’s insistence that Iranian forces leave Syria.



Israel Can Never Be Allowed To Feel Safe, Iranian President Says

Israel can “never” be allowed to feel safe, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Friday (8th), speaking during a mass rally marking Iran’s Quds (Jerusalem) Day, which this year coincided with the last Friday of Ramadan.

Iranian media said millions of Iranians marched in hundreds of cities across the country in solidarity with the Palestinians and in protest against Israel.



Report: Iran Paid Off Families Of Dead Gaza Rioters

A recent report by Israel’s Reshet Bet revealed that the families of Gazans killed during riots along the Israel security border received $500 each from the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The money was reportedly doled out by Hamas during a Ramadan “break fast” meal held on Thursday evening (7th) to honor families of “martyrs.”



Hizbullah Helps Hamas Build Terror Infrastructure In Lebanon

The Lebanon-based Hizbullah terror organization is helping Hamas build training camps and weapons factories in the country, according to a report by a Lebanese newspaper.

Al Joumhouria reported on Saturday (9th) that Israel has appealed to the United Nations to intervene in the matter.

The two terror organizations are operating under Iran’s supportive umbrella and are funded by it.

In recent years, Iran has broadened its influence in the Middle East by supporting its terror network and unifying the ranks operating against Israel.



PM Offers Iranian People Water Technology Website

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced this week the opening of a website in Farsi to share Israeli expertise to help Iranians with water problems.

In a YouTube video supported on Facebook and Twitter, Netanyahu cited Iranian problems caused by the Tehran regime and offered the know-how that Israel has used to address its own water problems.  He cited recycling of wastewater and Israel’s invention of drip irrigation. He said the Iranian people, “shouldn’t have to face such a cruel regime alone.”



Liberman: Humanitarian Aid To Gaza Won’t Stop Terrorism

The improvement of Gaza’s economic situation will not put an end to Palestinian terrorism, Israel’s minister of defense stated, calling for an end to “delusions.”

“This conflict will take time,” Minister Avigdor Liberman told IDF Radio  on Sunday (10th).  “Enough with all sorts of illusions and delusions that improving the economy will end terror.”

Liberman was speaking ahead of a cabinet meeting slated for later in the day to discuss the boosting of Israel’s aid to Gaza, which some have said would lessen Palestinian attacks on Israel.



IDF Destroys Hamas Underwater Terror Tunnel

IDF forces struck a Hamas underwater tunnel on the morning of June 3, an army spokesman released for publication Sunday (10th).

According to the spokesman’s statement, the IDF hit a military position of Hamas’ special naval force in the northern Gaza Strip, neutralizing a tunnel opening out into the sea.  The attack was carried out as part of a broad strike against Hamas targets following rocket fire into Israel.

The IDF said the tunnel would have enabled Hamas naval commandos to carry out amphibious terrorist attacks against Israel.



Austrian Chancellor Breaks With EU protocol, Visits Western Wall

On Sunday (10th), Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz visited Jerusalem’s Old City, making a stop at the Western Wall.  Kurz’s tour also included the Austrian Hospice on the Via Dolorosa in the Christian Quarter and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

While the tour was not a “formal” visit, Israeli diplomatic officials called Kurz’s presence at the Western Wall “important” because European leaders traditionally avoid the Jewish Quarter site, which the EU claims is “occupied territory.”



German Jewish Family ‘Destroyed’ After Daughter 14, Raped And Murdered

The 1,000-strong Jewish community of Mainz in Germany has expressed shock over the rape and murder of a 14-year-old Jewish girl by an Iraqi asylum seeker, which left the family “destroyed.”

Susanna Feldman was found dead Wednesday (6th) on the opposite bank of the Rhine, near a refugee center where the suspected attacker lived, according to police.  An autopsy showed she had been the victim of a sexually violent attack.

“Our community is in shock.  We are trying to help the girl’s family,” said Mainz’s community Rabbi Aharon Ran Vernikovsky.

Police said the Iraqi suspect fled the country following the murder.  According to police the suspect was wanted in a string of offenses including a robbery at knifepoint.



Update: Man who Admitted Killing German Jewish Teen Extradited

In a speedy end to a two-week-old murder mystery, Ali Bashar, 20, was placed in German custody on Saturday (9th) after found in Iraq by security authorities the previous day.

He will stand trial for raping and killing a German Jewish girl, Susanna Feldman, a 14-year-old with whom he had been acquainted.

Bashar, an asylum-seeker who arrived in Germany in 2015, managed to flee after the murder using false papers, flying via Istanbul, Turkey.

However, only 24 hours after the Germans issued an international warrant for his arrest, he was caught in Iraq and extradited back to Germany
