January 11, 2018

In News Surrounding Israel by The Friends of Israel

PM Netanyahu on West Bank shooting attack: ‘Heinous killer will face justice’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on the West Bank shooting attack that claimed the life of Havat Gilad resident and father of six, Raziel Shevah and said, “My deepest sympathy and condolences go out to the family of Raziel Shevah, who was murdered by a lowly terrorist.  Security forces will do everything in their power to locate the heinous killer and the State of Israel will bring him to justice.”



Bennett: ‘Our enemies think they can make us desert this land’

In his eulogy at the funeral of Razieh Shevah, murdered Tuesday night (9th) by a terrorist, Education Minister Naftali Bennett praised Shevah for his “heart of holiness” as a volunteer paramedic and said the answer to evil like this, is to increase settlement building.

“You the residents of Havat Gilad are the real heroes,” Bennett said.  “Our enemies think they can make us desert this land.  Their terror stems from the hope that if they kill one more Jew or throw one more rock, that we will break in the end.”

“We will extinguish that hope by building families and building communities,” he added.



Friedman: Palestinians’ fault there is no peace with Israel

The U.S. ambassador to Israel blamed the Palestinians for the lack of peace with Israel in the aftermath of a Palestinian shooting near Havat Gilad on Tuesday night (9th) that killed an Israeli man.

“An Israeli father of six was killed last night in cold blood by Palestinian terrorists, and PA laws will provide them with financial rewards.  Look no further to why there is no peace,” David Friedman tweeted Wednesday morning (10th)



Netanyahu calls on Mahmoud Abbas to condemn terror attack

In separate talks with the foreign ministers of Ireland and the Netherlands, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the killing Tuesday night (9th) of Raziel Shevach.

Netanyahu urged Dublin’s Simon Coveney, and Halbe Zijlstra, from the Netherlands, to urge Abbas to cease paying salaries to Palestinian terrorists and their families.

“The prime minister said that the true source of the conflict is revealed, which is the refusal to recognize the State of Israel in any boundaries accompanied by the encouragement to murder Israelis wherever they are,” Netanyahu’s office said.



EU ambassador ‘appalled by terror attack that killed Israeli father’

The EU Ambassador to Israel Emanuele Glaufret said he is “appalled” by the murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach by Palestinian terrorists Tuesday night (9th).

“Appalled by the murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach last night – there can be no excuse for violence and terror,” Glaufret said in a tweet.

“My condolences to his young children and the family who will now bring them up without a father.  May the attacker be brought to justice,” he said.



Hamas blesses shooting attack against rabbi, calls it ‘heroic’

Hamas on Tuesday (9th) praised the shooting attack near Nablus in which 36-year-old Rabbi Raziel Shevach was killed, calling it ‘heroic’

“Hamas blesses the heroic Nablus operation that comes as a result of the Zionist occupation violations and crimes, at the expense of our people in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Al-Aksa Mosque,” Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said in a statement posted on the Islamist group’s official website.

Barhoun added that the shooting attack is “an affirmation that our Palestinian people’s compass is Jerusalem and the Al-Aksa Mosque and that its choice is resistance.”

(jpost.com; reuters.com)


New head of Hamas terror operations in West Bank revealed

Saleh al-Arouri, who was appointed in October as the deputy Hamas leader, was replaced in his role as Hamas’ “military commander in the West Bank by Maher Obeid, sources in the Palestinian security forces revealed to Ynet on Wednesday (10th).

The Jordan-born Obeid, 59, a close associate of Arouri, is now responsible for orchestrating terror attacks in and from the West Bank.  Like Arouri, Obeid also has good ties with the regime in Tehran and has visited Iran on several occasions in recent years as part of official Hamas delegations.



Police rescue Czech tourists who accidentally entered Palestinian village

Two Czech tourists were rescued by Israeli police after they took a wrong turn and drove into the West Bank Palestinian village of Teqoa on Tuesday (9th).  Police noticed the vehicle entering an area under Palestinian jurisdiction and chased after them, Hadashot news reported.  As the police were escorting the two women back to an Israeli area, a number of Palestinians arrived and began throwing rocks, damaging the tourists’ car.



In Israel, Dutch foreign minister vows to fight BDS, and anti-Semitism

Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Halbe Zijlstra told President Reuven Rivlin  that his country will work against anti-Semitism and efforts to boycott Israel.

During a working meeting at the president’s residence in Jerusalem, Zijlstra said the Netherlands is “opposed to BDS and strongly opposes anti-Semitism.”  “We will fight them,” he said.



Tunisia synagogue torched amid unrest

A firebomb thrown at the 2,500 year old El Ghriba synagogue on the Tunisian island of Djerba caused damage but no injuries.  The incident occurred Tuesday night (9th) amid protests over economic conditions in several Tunisian cities, Reuters reported.

In 2002, terrorists blew up a vehicle near the El Ghriba synagogue, killing 21.

Following the firebombing, Tunisian police increased their security around the Djerba Jewish institutions.

(reuters.com; worldisraelnews.com)