In an unprecedented move, Israel goes back to the polls for a third time. Early results show a high voter turnout, as 47% of the electorate have voted so far, making today the largest voter turnout since 1999. The polls will remain open until 10PM, “allowing Israel’s 6,453,255 voters to cast their ballots.” Additionally, Israel has provided “14 special polling places for the 5,630 Israelis quarantined due to exposure to the coronavirus.”
While the potential for a fourth election looms, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud coalition with four religious parties has almost enough numbers to form a government on its own.
The attitude of the Israelis remains committed to fulfilling their duty to vote, however. A lady remarked while standing in line, “Here we go again” To which the reply came, “Yes, see you back here in September!” Hopefully, the outcome of this election will be the formation of a government and not the call for another election.
In an unrelated incident, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) thwarted a sniper attack in the Golan Heights on Monday, Election Day, striking the vehicle involved in the attempt. Which prompted Defense Minister Naftali Bennett to say, “Even today, like throughout the year, we will stop our enemies and prevent them from disrupting the routine of our lives.”
Even on election day there’s never a dull moment in Israel.
(Source: Gil Hoffman; Anna Ahroneim; The Jerusalem Post)