Israel News

Israel at War: Week 31

In News Surrounding Israel by Tim Munger


At Israel’s wartime Memorial Day last evening celebrations began in the bloodiest year in over 50 years. In his powerful, emotional speech President Isaac Herzog said: “I stand here next to the remnants of our temple in torn garments. This tearing-a symbol of Jewish mourning is a symbol, a symbol of the mourning and sorrow of an entire people in this year. A year of national mourning. A symbol of a blood drenched rend in the heart of the people. A tear in the heart of the State of Israel-shattered, bereaved, crying bitter tears, refusing to be comforted-for its sons and daughters, soldiers and civilians, civilians and soldiers…a great tragedy has befallen us.

He concluded by reminding his people that Israel wants to live in peace, “but so long as our enemies seek to destroy us, we will not lay down our swords.”

His words are echoed by the psalmist in Psalm 120:6-7, “My soul has dwelt too long with one who hates peace. I am for peace, but when I speak they are for war.”

To those who have fallen in battle, may their memory be a blessing. To those still captive, may your liberation come soon. You are not forgotten on this Israel Independence Day 2024.

(Source:  The Times of Israel)

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Tim Munger

Tim Munger is a Church Ministries Representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in the Detroit, Michigan area. Tim organizes and speaks at church conferences around the country.