Israel News

Israel at War: 3 Months

In News Surrounding Israel by Tim Munger


From the outset, Israel has said their aim is to defeat, dismantle, and destroy Hamas. They have uncovered in their pursuit caches of weapons, rocket launchers, ammunition, and more. They discovered a large tunnel, one big enough to drive a truck through.

They are effectively using robots and canines to search the tunnels, for in them lies the means for Hamas to carry out its attacks on Israel.

While the war in Gaza progresses, other fronts have opened. The Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah from the north in Lebanon. Overtures from Jordan and Syria. Yet, Israel pursues its aim with precision and determination. Neither defeat, nor an incomplete mission will suffice. Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, the list of attackers of Israel could go on. They all must be stopped and neutralized. Including the pressure from the international leaders, like the UN, the United States, the EU and others, to stop the disarming and defeat of Hamas must be resisted. They must reject the minimal approach to Hamas attacks, only incidental responses from their incursions and bombardments. October 7, 2023 changed that approach. With the deadliest attack in Israel’s history, Hamas showed the world their aims, intentions, and view of Israel. The Hamas Charter states that they want to destroy Israel, eliminate it permanently. The October 7 attack demonstrated that intention emphatically.

Every displaced person, every destroyed building, every human death and injury must be placed at the feet of Hamas. Israel has given and given to the international community and to the Palestinians. Hamas, not Israel, has unleashed “indiscriminate civilian casualties.” Hamas has declared, “We love death like Israel loves life.” They proved that on October 7.

So while the war has entered its third month, Israel is doing what it needs to do for both preserving not only its own nation, but the safety and security of the world. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” has never seemed more significant, necessary, or required.

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Tim Munger

Tim Munger is a Church Ministries Representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in the Detroit, Michigan area. Tim organizes and speaks at church conferences around the country.