Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, officially named COVID-19, Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “The Coronavirus is the worst pandemic in 100 years.” Working on both national and international levels, Prime Minister Netanyahu has contacted leaders in several countries to convene on a conference call to explore joint solutions to the crisis. Israeli scientists and researchers believe a cure is close, perhaps only a few weeks away.
The prime minister has a five point plan in dealing with the crisis:
First, Disinfect all public installations.
Second, ensure that Israel has all supplies needed and he may enlist the Air Force to accomplish this.
Third, he will open a line of credit to assist businesses and companies who will possibly feel economic pressure.
Fourth, Implement broad testing to distinguish between healthy and infected citizens.
Fifth, Israel will utilize its connections and alliances with certain other countries, “We will help them and they will help us. With God’s help, we will overcome the crisis together.”
Currently Israel has 39 individuals who have the virus and 80,000 Israelis in home quarantine. “The Palestinian Authority [has] barred all foreign tourists for two weeks” and has also closed all churches and mosques.
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statement summarizes the true source for overcoming the Coronavirus outbreak, it requires God’s help. Please pray for those who have been infected, for those exposed, for those seeking the solution to this global health crisis.
(Source: Various sources)