Forging a Government

In News Surrounding Israel by Tim Munger


With current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holding the narrowest lead of 55 to 54 over his opponent, Blue and White Party leader, Benny Gantz, it has fallen to President Rivlin to decide which leader will put together the new government. Prime Minister Netanyahu has expressed a desire to forge a unity government. President Rivlin challenged both leaders to come up with a government. “The nation expects you to find a solution and prevent additional elections, even if it means paying a personal or ideological price.” The Prime Minister has called on Benny Gantz to meet “as soon as possible to discuss forming a coalition together. ‘The only government that can be formed is a broad unity government,’ Netanyahu said. ‘To get that government, we need to talk.’

Avigdor Liberman of the Yisroel Beytenu Party has called for Gantz to form a secular unity government of Blue and White, Likud, and Yisroel Beytenu. Expressing his hope for a solution he remarked, “I hope a stable unity government will be formed soon.” So do many Israelis. Please keep this very important decision making process before the Lord.

(Source: Jerusalem Post; Times of Israel)

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Tim Munger

Tim Munger is a Church Ministries Representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in the Detroit, Michigan area. Tim organizes and speaks at church conferences around the country.