Extra Time to Form Government

In News Surrounding Israel by Chris Katulka


Even though Prime Minister Netanyahu won reelection in Israeli politics, he still needs to work with other political parties to form a governing majority. Recently, President Reuven Rivlin extended the deadline by two weeks for Netanyahu to form a new governing coalition after the prime minister requested extra time while he continues to hold talks with potential partners. The extra time was granted because of Passover and the recent Gaza uprising taking priority in the prime minister’s office.

There’s a lot of major items on Netanyahu’s table right now. While trying to form a government which, let me tell you, is extremely time-consuming, he is also trying to manage the aftermath of Hamas launching more than 600 rockets into Israel. Four Israelis died because of it. So my friends, this is a really good time to be praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

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Chris Katulka

Chris Katulka is the director of North American Ministries for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, the host of The Friends of Israel Today radio program, a Bible teacher, and writer for Israel My Glory magazine. He is also the author of Israel Always: Experiencing God’s Pursuit of You Through His Chosen People. If you would like to support Chris, please click here.