Israel News

An Honorable Woman

In News Surrounding Israel by Tim Munger


From the day she received the appointment to the United Nations as the United States ambassador, Nikki Haley proved that she would support Israel and expose the hypocrisy of the world body.

World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder called Nikki “a breath of fresh air,” in her service at the UN as he presented her with the prestigious Theodor Herzl Award.

In addressing her role at the UN, she noted that she learned early “the most important thing is to not be afraid of relying on your core values, even when they go against outdated customs which have gone unquestioned for years.” Customs like the monthly attacks on Israel at the Security Council and the toleration of anti-Semitism. She clearly asserted, “One of those core values is standing up for your friends.” Which she boldly did in giving the full force of her office as Ambassador of the United States to Israel during her term.

President Lauder remarked, “The Herzl Award comes with our gratitude, and our deep appreciation. But it also comes at a great price. You will not be able to rest because we expect even greater things from you…Like Herzl you have championed a cause that has, and continues to have, more than its share of enemies. But it places you on the right side of history. And if there is anyone in this room that has the courage, the fire, and the faith to take on this test, it is you, Nikki Haley.”

Ambassador Haley, a proven Woman of Honor.

(Source: World Jewish Congress)

About the Author
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Tim Munger

Tim Munger is a Church Ministries Representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in the Detroit, Michigan area. Tim organizes and speaks at church conferences around the country.