Global Report

Dan Price
Director of International Ministries
Delivering Hope
Dima traveled 360 miles from his home in Belarus to Warsaw, Poland, to attend university. Far from home and lonely, he found friendships among those who abused drugs at school. Though initially hesitant, Dima eventually gave in and became deeply entangled in drug addiction.
That was when Andrii, one of our Friends of Israel (FOI) workers in Poland, noticed Dima on campus and felt burdened to help him. Andrii invited Dima to a hiking trip into the Tatras Mountains. Over the next several months, Andrii continued to invite him both to youth events and to a personal relationship with Jesus. Dima kept coming. As Dima’s addictions faded, his curiosity about the gospel flourished until he finally trusted Jesus for salvation. Today, Dima can clearly see how Andrii’s simple invitation changed his life forever. Andrii came to Warsaw from Ukraine, long before Russia’s invasion of the nation, to train at seminary. Since the war began, he has been opportunely placed to minister to refugees who have fled from his homeland to Poland. He and his wife, Bohdana, and their three children are answering God’s call to serve both Jewish people and Gentiles displaced by the war.
If giving from the UK or NZ, please designate your gift as "Global Report Andrii."

Divinely Appointed Ministry
Andrii views his ministry in Eastern Europe as a divine appointment. “The Jewish population is often poor and in need in this region,” he explains. “It’s heartbreaking—and a calling.”
Andrii works tirelessly to take supplies into Ukraine to relieve both Jewish communities and churches, sometimes under severe danger of getting caught up in the fighting. Many Jewish Ukrainians lack basic needs like medicine, clothes, heaters, and blankets. Andrii and our Polish team travel clandestinely into Ukraine to help. As one FOI leader in Poland describes the work on these relief trips, “If someone calls for help at 3:00 in the morning, I can be sure Andrii will be there!”
Ukrainian War and Refugee Relief
Concerning his trips to Eastern European Jewish communities, Andrii says, “The real joy is the relationships that develop. We truly love them, and they love us! During our time in these places, we also contact local churches and encourage them to serve the Jewish people along with us.” Distributing aid packages gives our teams opportunities to meet spiritual needs by inviting groups of Jewish children, mothers, and senior citizens to Poland to participate in camps and retreats hosted by FOI.
When Andrii first arrived in Poland in 2010, he began a ministry to the country’s Ukrainian teens, both Jewish and Gentile. By providing youth meetings, service projects, and outdoor experiences in the mountains, our teams help these displaced and hurting kids feel the love of Messiah Jesus. Along the way, Andrii teaches teens the truth about Israel and the Messiah. Now God is opening doors and hearts to the message of the gospel.

Technology and Translation
Together with FOI Poland representative Timothy Rabinek, Andrii produces online biblical teaching content in the Ukrainian, Russian, and German languages. Using podcasts, YouTube, and other social media, Andrii has been a pivotal part of getting biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah into difficult locations and opposing the antisemitism growing there.
God has shocked us with the growth of these teachings. Most of Andrii’s content garners thousands of views within days. Within only weeks, our team’s Russian and Ukrainian channels added 16,000 subscribers and accumulated more than a million views. As Andrii says, “People want to hear the truth. In our videos, we teach about the Messiah from a biblical perspective. We believe God will use this new ministry to bring many people to Himself.”
Remembering Forgotten Jewish People
Recently, a Jewish cemetery in Pruszkow, Poland, was abandoned by the government. Its Jewish caretaker, knowing FOI Poland’s love for God’s Chosen People, reached out to Andrii for help.
Andrii and his team of volunteers immediately began clearing debris and making the cemetery safe for visitors and families. Not long after Andrii’s team was finished, the caretaker posted pictures of the pristine cemetery on social media. Almost immediately, a woman living in Jerusalem contacted him to express her gratitude. Her grandparents were Holocaust survivors who were buried in the cemetery in Pruszkow. What an amazing opportunity to show the Jewish communities in both Poland and Jerusalem the love of the Messiah!
God has equipped Andrii to serve in many unique ways. His mission is to preach the truth of God’s Word and invest his life in loving and serving God’s Chosen People.

Would you be willing to partner with Andrii and his family with prayer and a financial gift? Today, you can be a part of Eastern Europe coming to know the true Messiah of Israel.
You can provide much-needed support for Andrii and his family by giving today.
If giving from the UK or NZ, please designate your gift as "Global Report Andrii."