This blog was originally published on January 24, 2022. If you travel throughout Europe, you might find yourself stumbling over uneven bumps in the street. Looking down, you might find …
The “Israel” of God: The Church’s Jewish Roots (Part 2)
Why did the church disconnect from its Jewish heritage? How did it lose the idea that the Messiah would literally restore Israel and rule for 1,000 years? These questions go …
The Israel of God: The Church’s Jewish Roots (Part 1)
Athanasius of Alexandria stepped off the ferry after it had been secured in the Prosphorion Harbor. The Imperial City’s great walls met his awed gaze. Alexandria was not small by …
How My Trip to Poland Revealed the Reality of the Holocaust
In May, our Friends of Israel Encounter team of 16 young adults visited Poland to learn about the Holocaust. What an experience it was! The combination of volunteerism, Holocaust education, …
The Temple, the Torn Veil, and the Shekinah Glory
During Jesus’ ministry, the enlargement of the Temple complex in Jerusalem was in its final stages. You can imagine standing on the Mount of Olives, soaking in the glorious view …
Walking Over Broken Glass
When the Arab terrorist group Hamas entered Israel on October 7, the world was horrified. On that day, these terrorists kidnapped 200, killed 1,400, and wounded more than 4,500 Israelis. …