I think that too often when we look at the Law in the Old Testament we, as Christians today, consider it a burden. The Law is something we don’t understand …
My Light and My Salvation (Micah 7:8)
Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me. (Micah 7:8) If ever there were …
God Looks on the Heart
The Facebook phenomenon! Mark Zuckerberg and other online social networks have tapped into the first half of this two-pronged truth: 1) Man looks at the outward appearance, but 2) God …
Be Thankful to Him, and Bless His Name (Ps. 100:4)
It was a perilous journey. The Atlantic Ocean on September 1620 was tumultuous. Then on November 9th, a shout was heard from the deck of the ship called Mayflower, “Land-Ho!” …
How NOT to Be Your Own Selfish Pig (Micah 6:8)
One of my favorite vacation spots is Walt Disney World, in Orlando, Florida. I love the fact that we check our luggage, board a plane, and from that point on …
Why Are You Fearful?
Growing up in a pastor’s home I heard Bible stories all my life. If it wasn’t during family worship time in our living room at too-early-in-the-morning o’clock, it was in …