Jim Elliot and his four companions Nate Saint, Roger Youdarian, Ed McCully, and Pete Fleming became known for their martyrdom in seeking to reach the Huaorani (then called Auca) people …
Unashamed of the Gospel
“What does ‘11Six’ mean?” coworkers would often ask me, pointing to the sticker on the order book in my apron. At the time, I was working as a server at …
Perfect Peace
I’ve heard the word peace since I was a child. I grew up in the 1960s and ’70s, and the desire for peace figured prominently into the psyche of that …
Grace Imitators
I wake up with the usual Thursday morning expectation. I pick up my phone, look at my Facebook app and sure enough, one new notification. As always, my mother has …
A New Start in a New Year
Some are already calling 2017 a year of destiny! It has been a long time since we entered a year with so much anticipation. There is a new spirit sweeping …