This article was originally published on November 20, 2020. “Thank you” was an expected response my parents reinforced in our lives. Praying at the table to give thanks was, and …
What Should We Think About Israel?—Answers for All Things Israel
I’m frequently asked for book recommendations on subjects related to Israel and the Bible. Sometimes, a person is looking to dive deep into a specific topic like prophecy, Israel’s history, …
Why Does Israel Matter?
I wonder if people ask you, like they ask me, “Why do you focus so much on Israel? Why not focus only on the gospel and how to live out …
Walking Over Broken Glass
When the Arab terrorist group Hamas entered Israel on October 7, the world was horrified. On that day, these terrorists kidnapped 200, killed 1,400, and wounded more than 4,500 Israelis. …
This Is My Battle Cry, and I Ask It Be Yours Too
Can it get any worse? I asked myself as I read of yet another antisemitic incident on a U.S. college campus. This week at Cooper Union, a college in New …
Israel Loves Life
Many of us scrolled through social media or watched the news in complete shock on Saturday morning, October 7. Something was different as we watched Hamas attack. We were not …