As the miles and hours of travel pass on a road trip, children typically ask that frustrating question: “Are we there yet?” Every parent knows this scenario and, in response, …
Cutting Through Cultural Christmas Chaos
Celebrating Christmas in the land of the Nativity was certainly different from any Christmas I had experienced at home. In the U.S., the spirit of commercialism has catapulted Christmas into …
Carrying Joseph’s Bones: Lessons From a Final Resting Place
How important is your final resting place here on Earth? Have you provided instructions as to where your body is laid to rest when this life ends? I guess much …
Our High Priest Who Saves Forever
“If God is holy, I’m in trouble.” This was the uncomfortable realization my Jewish friend and colleague, Marty, came to when he was 12 years old. To assuage his concern, …
Is the Kingdom of God on Earth Today?
“The Kingdom is here! The Kingdom is now!” Have you heard this recently? It’s a popular phrase for many Christians who believe we are living in the Kingdom of God …
Was Luke Really a Gentile?
Hypothetically, if it were to be settled in court that Luke was a Gentile, one would need a kangaroo court—a biased, unreliable, agenda-driven court that predetermines cases without evidence. The …