Christianity has always been noted for its exclusivity. “No one comes to the Father except through Me,” Jesus declared (John 14:6). Similarly, Peter insisted that, apart from Jesus, “there is …
“Next Year in Jerusalem!” A Call of Hope
I’ll never forget the first time I visited Israel. After spending several days touring Tel Aviv, the Dead Sea, and the Sea of Galilee, it was finally time to go …
How Should I Interpret Biblical Figures of Speech?
Do you ever struggle to understand when Scripture’s words should be interpreted as literal or figurative? Many Christians do. But don’t be discouraged: You can still learn how to interpret …
The King of the Jews
These words were written on a plaque above the door of my junior high school industrial arts class. I’ve never forgotten them. Another plaque that I saw in numerous Christian …
The Land of Promises
“The lone and level sands stretch far away.”1 And then there is green. It’s a flash of fertility amidst unforgiving wastes and dunes, a stark contrast between life and death. …
How First-Century Jews and Gentiles Understood the Gospel Differently
This blog was originally published on February 18, 2022. When the apostles first proclaimed the gospel message, they encountered two different audiences, Jewish and Gentile. The book of Acts records …