If ever there was a good man, it was Ken. He was an intensely devoted family man, a beloved pastor, an in-demand conference speaker, and a steadfast friend to hundreds …
Hamas vs. Israel: Simply No Comparison
Throughout its history, the State of Israel has fought two defensive conflicts at once—a battle for survival against its Arab neighbors and a PR battle to expose the world to …
Does the Book of Revelation Make You Nervous?
Although I was only 8 years old and my mind was consumed largely with baseball cards and G.I. Joes, I knew the world was on edge as it approached the …
Would Paul Be Welcome in Your Church?
Picture this. You are in your church’s auditorium, and the musicians have just finished playing. As they return to their seats, you flip to a fresh page in your sermon …
How Moses Foreshadowed Jesus
As we read the Bible, it is tempting to focus on the differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament. After all, the Old Testament is centered on God’s …
No Shadow of Turning: Israel, You, and the Faithfulness of God
The parting of the Red Sea. The destruction of Egypt’s army. Manna from the sky. Water from a rock. The nation of Israel saw some incredible things during the first …