If you’re a believer in Jesus, visiting Israel isn’t just a great bucket-list item. It’s a life-changing experience. Here are seven great reasons why every Christian should visit Israel. This …
Happy Abba’s Day!
My brother and sister-in-law just had their first baby girl (and, man, is she cute!). They love their little newborn daughter so dearly and care for her so well. It’s …
Is Israel the Occupier?
You’ve probably picked up on the fact that Israel has gotten a bad reputation over the years. Relatively few view Israel favorably, while many argue that the nation should not …
A City Worth Celebrating: Jerusalem Day
We here at The Friends of Israel often quote Psalm 122:6—“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” We wait for the day Jerusalem is safe from attacks and no longer a …
What Would Heroes of the Bible Think of Israel Today?
If you know the story of Israel’s history, you know there’s no way it should still be alive today. Yet not only has it survived—it’s become a hugely successful country! …
Jesus, Our Passover Lamb
As Passover approaches, we have a special reminder to focus on the virtue of innocence: a lamb. Specifically, the Passover lamb is our picture of purity surrounded by utter darkness. …