Picture this: Your alarm clock pulls you out of a deep, comfortable, all-too-short sleep on a Sunday morning. You know nothing would feel better than an extra hour or two …
How Can I Glorify God With My Money?
Money. Everyone needs it. It makes people do crazy things. It can be anything from an asset used in a healthy way to a vice that drives people to ruin. …
How to Make 2021 Better Than 2020
If I say “Happy New Year!” and you’re a bit skeptical this year, I don’t blame you one bit. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that 2020 …
Like a Kid on Christmas
It was Christmas Eve, and I couldn’t have been more excited. We had just come home from our Christmas Eve service at church, and once I stepped inside our home, …
It Is Well
The beautiful words of the famous hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” were not written at a time of peace. Though they sound more appropriate for a day at …
What Would New Testament Saints Think of the Church Today?
Scripture is such an incredible gift from God. His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. We learn about God not only through the …