Iremember the first time I walked into the cave of Indiana Jones. It wasn’t really Indiana Jones, and it wasn’t really a cave. But it felt that way. I was …
The Jewish Life of Jesus
Do you have a heart for Israel and the Jewish people? I hope so. Yet someone could ask the question, “How do I acquire this heart for the Jewish people? …
The Blessed Arrival of the Messiah
Two thousand years ago, an extraordinary, unique, and miraculous birth occurred. It did not get any great recognition. In fact, relatively few people even knew it happened. Yet the effects …
What Is Premillennialism?
Jesus is coming back! All biblically conservative Christians believe that to be true. The Second Coming of Christ is one of the cardinal doctrines of the faith. Questions arise, however, …
Bring Us Back To You (Lamentations 4—5)
The destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 586 BC smashed everything that had given God’s chosen people a sense of national identity. The process had not been quick, however. …
Serving In Israel: “It Couldn’t Hoyt!”
There’s an old, but funny, Jewish joke with a lot of variations that goes something like this: A man in a crowd suddenly collapses. A nearby doctor pushes through the …