These words were written on a plaque above the door of my junior high school industrial arts class. I’ve never forgotten them. Another plaque that I saw in numerous Christian …
Should Christians Celebrate the Fall Feasts of Israel?
Eighteen-year-old Kerri Strug heard a snap. It was her left ankle. She immediately felt pain and fell backward, failing to stick the landing. It was her first vault attempt in …
Our High Priest Who Saves Forever
“If God is holy, I’m in trouble.” This was the uncomfortable realization my Jewish friend and colleague, Marty, came to when he was 12 years old. To assuage his concern, …
Why Don’t Christians Keep the Sabbath?
“Why don’t Christians keep the Sabbath?” That’s a good question and one not so easily answered. After all, there is no biblical text that clearly states, “You shall not keep …
Wait for the Blessing
As a child, I always found it difficult to sleep the night before Christmas. The sense of anticipation was excruciating! That’s why I loved Christmas mornings. The dawn of the …
Ancient Witnesses: How Archaeology Confirms Israel’s God-Given Right to the Holy Land (Part 2)
Last week we looked at a few examples of ancient witnesses that archaeology provides. These witnesses uphold the claim that Israel has deep historical ties to the Holy Land, thus …