Fall 2019 Up to Jerusalem Tour — Hello from Israel!

In Up to Jerusalem by The Friends of Israel1 Comment

Hello from Israel!

We have landed in Israel and are already loving the mild, summertime climate here in late October. I’m Steve and I will be blogging our travels together on the Fall 2019 Up to Jerusalem tour. Upon landing in Tel Aviv, our group gathered and met our Israeli guides. On our way to the hotel, we learned that it is Shabbat (Sabbath). Our guide pointed out when God rested on the seventh day, He did not do so because He was physically tired. The word Shabbat relates more to the word stop than it does rest. Shabbat is a time to imitate God’s actions in Genesis 2 by pausing and delighting in all the beautiful things the Lord has given us to enjoy.

The staff at the Dan Panorama Hotel greeted us with cold water and lemonade. We had some free time before we gathered at the hotel restaurant for our first dinner together. There are 76 touring between the two buses and many of us are starting to make new friendships. Looking forward to a restful evening and feeling refreshed for our first day of touring tomorrow!

Blog author: Steve Conover
Executive Vice President
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

Tel Aviv

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