I don’t know what it is about soup, but when I get sick I lose my appetite for most things––except a bowl of hot soup, preferably chicken noodle. Maybe it’s the hot chicken broth that helps my throat. It just seems to be a go-to remedy when I need some momentary healing of a cold or the flu.
Truth is we all get sick. Some people get sick once a year, and others seem to be sick all the time. Sickness is a part of being human, and thanks to modern medicines, we can usually find healing from our stuffy nose and cough in just a few days.
I can usually locate the source of my sickness pretty quickly. It typically begins with one of my kids who carries something home from school. I ask them all the time to please leave whatever bug they catch there, but they never seem to listen to their dad.
A cough and some congestion can be the first sign we’re coming down with something, but have you ever thought about the signs of being spiritually sick? Have you ever experienced a bout of jealousy, bitterness, greed, or lust? I know I have! These are symptoms of being spiritually sick and the source of that illness goes way back to that decisive moment when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s design and opted to forge a path for themselves. Every human heart is spiritually diseased; we all have the capacity to do evil, and we’re all contagious––we pass it down from one generation to the next.
Our God, in His grace, promised a remedy to cure this epidemic rebellion in the form of a Servant who would heal us from the inside out. Isaiah 53:5 says:
“He was wounded because of our rebellious deeds, crushed because of our sins; he endured punishment that made us well; because of his wounds we have been healed.”
Our spiritual sickness in many ways isolates us from God’s presence. God is unable to come near to us because He is holy and perfect and we are broken. Yet, in God’s mercy, His Servant and Son, Jesus the Messiah, lifted up our illnesses and carried our pain (v. 4) when we couldn’t do it ourselves. He was wounded, crushed, and endured the punishment we deserve so that we might find healing from our brokenness.
Jesus, the only innocent and perfect Person to walk Earth, endured the mockery, agony, torment, pain, and death on the cross so that we could have healing from our spiritual sickness, and life everlasting through His resurrection.
There is only one thing you need to do to find healing from the pain and illness you may be feeling in your heart today. Take the step of faith to say, Jesus I believe You are the only answer to my longing heart. You took my sickness so I could have life, and by Your wounds I have been healed.
If you took a step of faith and prayed, please contact us at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. We’d love to hear your story.
Phone: 1.800.257.7843
Mail: The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
PO Box 908
Bellmawr, NJ 08099